Man Proposes God Disposes

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Man Proposes God Disposes

All would agree if I say "Life is a series of unpredictable turns". You just climb the mound expecting a lush, inviting view on the other side and all you find is a route to a mount to be traced.

It is not biased, I must say, it comes to all not once but innumerable times in life. Hopes of greener pastures leads to barren land and gigantic dreams end up in short memories.

The realization of it comes in a simplest and least harmful shape when a sales executive gets up in the morning with a promising day in the mind.

He has done his homework, by fixing the time with the client last evening itself. Adding to his professional ecstasy, the gentleman on the other side sounded keen in his product. All set, he wants to be there at least five minutes before the given time and suddenly he discovers the tap has run out of water.

A thankful GOD! There are neighbors and he is not on a lonely planet. All prepared by borrowed waters, the enthusiasm again gets a jilt with deflated tyre. This time a slightly bigger GOD! Unreasonably blaming all around or not, he obliges the cabby today and yes, you guessed it right, after all traffic jams don’t need other special occasions than these to cross you.

Though a stark beginning he recollects himself assuring that all left in a day is nothing but best. A lofty office, grand reception arcade and a sweet voice saying 'the aspirated gentleman is in meeting, please have a seat in the waiting area'. Sitting on the spongy springy sofa, he shams to read some 'killing -time' printed material lying on the table . With every turn of page cursing someone to shift the onus of the unfortunate day.

All's well that ends well, believing on it he is asked to meet the person after a couple of hours. Cracking the deal and partying with the boss is where the day ends, he foresees. His introduction to the product details get interrupted by a small and trifle revelation - some not very close but highly resourceful relative has already arranged the product for the client (not his now) on the cheaper price. A big rather very BIG but soundless GOD!

Not fruitful but tiring, not up to expectations but everything beyond that. That's where we acknowledge the humour of the mighty power. Anyhow, He falls asleep without making plans and promising himself of not doing so in future as well. Next morning, firmly he gets up by the shriek of the alarm and finds some thoughts knocking door of his mind. Alas Humans! uncontrollably he welcomes the thoughts … the plans for the day and ……………GOD.!!!!

About The Autor : Naina - besides having a master's degree in English literature , what brings me close to writing is my fondness towards and penning down . Also it gives vent to my thoughts and ideology.

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